vrijdag 28 maart 2008

Fitna: What a Waste of Time and Energy

I watched it. All 16 bloody minutes of it. Well… I turned my head a few times to not have to look at the most gruesome footage. Sick. It made me sad and angry.
Sad and angry because we have all made such a big deal out of it. What a waste of time and energy! You can’t even call it a movie. My simple cut and pasted Chomsky movie was better than this piece of garbage.

I don’t know what to make of Fitna. Unlike Theo van Gogh and Ayaan Hirshi Ali’s cinematographically good movie Submission, Fitna doesn’t have a story or plot and no conclusion. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with Van Gogh and Hirshi Ali's view on the Islam at all. But at least they got their opinion across clearly. Wilders, what are you trying to tell us? Yesterday I heard someone say on tv: “Geert Wilders kicks us and then he runs away”. That’s exactly what it feels like. Never in Fitna does he show his face. Never do you hear his voice. He is not available for discussion or confrontation. He just kicks and runs.
Fitna is a collection of footage torn from their context – torn and dismembered like the people Fitna shows being brutally slaughtered – and glued together to create a Frankenstein monstrosity. If somebody else, someone anonymous, had published this on YouTube, we would have all discarded it as just another twisted nut job. Unfortunately Wilders is far from anonymous. He is a politician. This could be dangerous. I can’t stop thinking that if Adolf Hitler had lived today he could have made a similar movie for his propaganda.
The last thing I want to say about it is that I think it’s disgusting how Wilders uses the horrible, terrible suffering of people who died by the hands of terrorists for his own good. At least show some respect to THEM!

For a couple of years now, I haven’t been able to feel proud of being Dutch. I used to, but not anymore. This does not help. All I can say is:
Sorry world, for this nut case Wilders”.

Geert Wilders: kicking and running all the way to the bank.

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